Please use this item to register each vehicle you’d like to register for our car show.
Please enter a phone you will have with you at the show.
ex. Ford
ex. Mustang
ex. Hardtop Coupe, Convertible, etc.
ex. PNW Mustang Club, Sun Country Mustang Club, etc.
This special award is to recognize and celebrate the women who enjoy and care for their Mustangs.
This award is inspired by Linda Culley’s love of Mustangs, Linda’s family will select the winning Woman’s Mustang and present a trophy and gift to the winning Mustang’s driver.
By submitting this form, I (the named individual on this application) agree to abide by all show rules and understand that I am solely responsible for my vehicle, its insurance and securing my own belongings. I further agree to release the Pacific Northwest Mustang Club, the City where the show resides, and all sponsors/vendors from liability for personal injury, loss or property damage. Further, I understand that checking one or both of the required boxes noted as 'Applicant's Agreement' below that the information I have provided is true and correct, that I understand the requirements of this statement, and this application in its entirety has the same force and effect as my signature would if signed in-person.